Is a Virtual Private Server the Right Choice for Your Website?

by | Sep 24, 2012

Technology is the backbone of the internet. One would not exist without the other, but technology is not something that everyone understands. It can be confusing especially when it comes to web hosting. Figuring out which web hosting service is the right choice can often take too long. This is when most people give up. If you own a small business, and you are also running your own website, then you are facing some challenges. You may not have the time of day to try to determine which web hosting service is the best choice. This article will focus on VPS or virtual private servers. They offer many advantages over other types of web hosting services.

Smaller Overhead

The first advantage is the cost. Private servers are expensive. Your website might not be worth spending a ton of money on each month. A virtual private server is the more affordable solution. It gives you many of the advantages of a private server but in a virtual environment. This is why the costs associated with this type of web hosting service are cheaper.

More Control

A virtual private server does give you more control over the server environment. This may not be something that you are interested in, but it is an extremely valuable asset to have. This type of web hosting environment offers you the most control.

Easy to Move

We all have dreams of our websites growing out of control. When your website starts to get more traffic than the server allows, a virtual private server makes it easy to move to a server that has more power.

More Secure

You may not know this, but there are groups of people who try to take websites down just for the fun of it. They will overload the server by sending thousands of requests at once. A virtual private server is not as easily susceptible to this type of malicious attack. Because the server exists in a virtual state, you can easily change from one access point to another. This makes it difficult for these types of attacks to occur.

Keep Your Site Away from Others

When your website is in the shared hosting environment, it is sitting on the same server with hundreds or even thousands of other websites. Some of these websites could be malicious in nature. If your website is on the same server as one of these malicious sites, it can be negatively affected. A virtual private server can prevent this. It offers isolation for your website.

Virtual private servers are a good choice for someone who wants a little more privacy and a little more control for their website and hosting. It is easy to find more information on this subject on the Internet.


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