Tag Archives: Facebook photos

5 Important Facebook Updates in 2013

There were a ton of updates on Facebook this 2013 and they continue to implement new changes as the year comes to an end. Most of them, I’m pretty happy with as a social media manager, a blogger AND a personal user. However, there’s been a major update with their algorithm from probably a month or two ago that affected many businesses that have Facebook pages. As much as I’d like to get into that, I haven’t done any extensive research, but I have noticed the impact of this change on all my clients and my own pages.

So, I have listed some of the most notable changes on Facebook that affected me personally and at work. Let me know at the comments section about your own list of important Facebook updates for 2013.


Whole Photos on Facebook Pages

Before, at work, we used to worry about ensuring that the images we use, especially those with text, are resized into a square. Or at least have the most important part of the image seen when you reposition it on your timeline. Now, you don’t have to spend more time resizing your images as Facebook now shows the whole image on your Facebook page’s Timeline. Check out this screenshot from our food blog‘s page.

Facebook Photos are now showing up as a whole image instead of squares

This is what I loved about Google+ and was wishing for the longest time that Facebook will finally decide to do something about it, so I’m thankful they did! πŸ™‚

The sad thing though is this update doesn’t apply to personal Timelines. You will still see that your images on your account page are shaped irregularly. For me though, I don’t think it should matter since most people will see your photos on their News Feed, so they will be able to view the whole image from there. Well, unless most of your friends or followers prefer to “stalk” your personal Timeline. πŸ˜€

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Facebook Photos : Bigger, Better and a Slideshow!

To most of us who are on Facebook, this social networking site is no longer just a place where we connect with people. It has developed into a more diverse website. One of the many functions of Facebook now is it serves as our modern day photo album, where we chronicle important events in our lives by sharing photos ranging from what we’re eating, your baby’s cute photos, or anything you feel like sharing. There are even people who post photos for their own consumption or for safe-keeping (I personally have albums that are only visible to me).

Facebook Photos

This is why Facebook is continually improving our photo viewing experience. And I think the latest updates on Facebook photos are just amazing, and I believe that businesses with a Facebook page will greatly benefit from this too. πŸ™‚


Bigger Album and Photo Thumbnails

THIS is what I love most about this update – bigger album and photo thumbnails. ‘Nuff said. πŸ™‚

If you check the contents of the album or if you go to the middle tab, you’ll see how tightly the images are now arranged. I love it! And I bet you already know about the fullscreen view, right? πŸ™‚

Tighter photos, larger thumbnails on Facebook


Photo Slideshow on Hover

I am a very visual person and when I view photo albums, especially when I’m “stalking” someone, I quickly browse the cover images for each photo album. If they look interesting enough, I click through.

This time, you can view the first 5 photos of the album just by hovering or placing your mouse cursor on the cover image. It’ll be shown to you through a slideshow. Cool, eh?



Like or Comment on Photo Tabs Directly

You can now like or comment, or see those who have, on the photos without having to click on each image individually.

Like or comment directly on the Facebook photo tab page

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